
Many modern families live apart because of work commitments.
In dynamic family relationships communication within the family and between the family and institutions is complicated, especially in crisis situations arising from illness or old age.


Unforeseen and unplanned (crisis) situations require a significant time and financial investment, often leading to exhaustion.
The distance between family members poses a particular and unpredictable risk.


The principles of modern health indicate the key to managing resources (time, power, money):

Understanding crisis situations, active participation and timely planning.


Users are members of families living apart due to work commitments. Users are also companies, public authorities and institutions that actively promote the protection of families and the interests of their employees, citizens and clients.


OpinioNet uses the potential of transdisciplinary communication to reduce or avoid communication misunderstandings and barriers.


Effective communication influences the rational management of resources (time, power, money), resulting in savings or gains depending on the situation.


Interactive communication in all events ensures the exchange of opinions and the meeting of new people.
Users realise mutual contact on the website and in physical locations.
Regularity and variety are guaranteed in four ways: Lecture, Jour-fix, Lounge, Campus.


Active participation requires a subscription and access to certain services is ensured by payment on demand (order).
Services are available in online, offline and hybrid modes.
User engagement is encouraged through participation in shared activities or through personalised services.

Comparative overview of services on the market